23 Jan 2014

Alexa Chung - IT

So this book called 'IT' by Alexa Chung has sort of made a name for itself and I was keen to find out what all the fuss was about. I must admit, I was rather excited when it arrived in the post.

The first thing I noticed is that the cover of the book was a soft pink material in hardback which was very eye-catch, ironically, the book does also have an eye on the front of it. It definitely looks the part for a fashion based/ biography book. My immediate impressions were simple, sweet and fashionable.

A lot of the book was about where she got her style from and who her inspirations were growing up. Considering she has recently become a major icon in the fashion world, I thought that this was a great way to understand where her fashion sense comes from. She added some personal notes about her Grandpa, making the book slightly more biographical but by no means less interesting. 'IT' was filled with many iconic faces such as Anna Karina, Winona Ryder, Charlotte Rampling, Liv Tyler and of course the recently turned 40 Kate Moss.

This book was a very good read and a must have for budding fashionistas, however I still feel that something more could have been given from it. By all means, I learnt a few things myself, but even towards the end of the book, she was talking about past influences from her mother. I felt we never really got to the present moment of the book and the festival reference in the book I felt wasn't necessary.

On saying that, I am pleased to have read this Alexa Chung book and its definitely one that I will keep going back to when i want a flick through. Furthermore, it is her first book. Overall i'd give it an 8/10.


  1. I love the way you've laid out those first two pictures, very creative :)

    I'm a big Alexa fan but still haven't got my hands on this book yet!


  2. Thank you! If I had a spare copy I'd send it to you!
