6 Jul 2014


So a friend of mine decided to host a dinner party, we are all back from nearly a year apart, from all over the place whether its university or art college, and it was really sweet to see the girls. The table looked beautiful and the flowers were stunning, we even had little name plates and matching napkins! We each prepared a meal, I was on dessert, along with cocktails, alcohol and non, and of course the evening ended with a game of 'Cards Against Humanity'.


Its called cards against humanity for a reason… it was a new game for me too, but take my advice and don't play it with your parents. The food was lovely, the cocktails were some of the best I've had and it was one of the most enjoyable evenings I've had in a while. FACT: you don't need to go out and get lashed for a good night! I think we are going to try and make this a regularly thing, maybe once a month. 

Laura x


  1. Oooh, there's nothing better than a good dinner party, SO much better than going out! Your table looks lovely- Love the pink theme!

    1. Your completely right, a good dinner party can't be topped! Ill let my friend know she did a good job on the decor!x
