I love looking through magazines and noticing minimal and simplistic makeup but lips that make you go wow. Sometimes thats all you need is a bit of lip colour. Ever heard the phrase '
bold eyes OR bold lips'? Well this lip balm is definitely for the latter.
I thought I'd give this a go, to be honest, it was advertising that did it for me. Seeing how great Emma Stone looked gave me a lot of hope until I realised I would never look like her. Nevertheless, I spent a good ten minutes testing every shade of the Revlon COLORBURST Lacquer Balm 150 Enticing Desirable, until I found one that I wanted to give a go. I could have brought all of them, but I decided that I wanted my food budget for the week. I have so many light and soft shades of lipstick, it was definitely time to update my lipstick collection.

I must admit, when I first put it on, I thought it was a tad over the top. However, when I was getting ready for a night out, I realised how much it completed my look; my lips really popped. It didn't make my lips feel greasy and it looked pretty good. Unfortunately, I am a sufferer of dry lips, especially in this winter climate. So I had to put a few layers of normal lip balm before I could apply the revlon balm. I learnt this the hard way as when I first applied it, it looked disastrous over my dry cracked lips.

One of the draw backs is that it smudges very easily. I have to apply foundation around the edges of my mouth to minimise the smudging. On the plus side it is very easy to take off, but that is also a draw back in that I had to keep re-applying it. I don't think the balm was dense enough to last for a full night out, so you would definitely have to keep it in your bag (
or bra if your like me who keeps everything in there).
Despite a few flaws, its not something that would discourage me from buying another one from the collection, I especially want to try one of their matte balms, just to see if i have any similar problems. A plus that I found is that it doesn't get all over your teeth, so when your smiling at that guy you like, you wont have your teeth covered in red gunk, looking like you just killed you last victim because your a vampire. Although it smudged a bit, it was very easy to apply too. In some of these pictures, the balm looks slightly pinkish, but thats just my lighting. The closest picture to its true look is the first lip picture on the right.

Overall, I think it is worth it, but at the same time I do prefer the Rimmel London Kate 01 Lipstick. That is also a deep red but its a lipstick not a balm. Hopefully I'll get a chance to review that another time but for £7.99 I will definitely be trying another shade. I can tell these are going to be big this year, and they are great value for money.